Pwning your (web)server and network the easy way - or why exposing ~/.ssh/ is a bad idea
Last year I did some research on how an exposed ~/.ssh/
folder on a web server can lead to a complete pwnage. Here's the deal:
- I've seen it in the wild.
- On real web servers.
- Operated by big companies.
As this becomes an easy way to RCE your web server, I'm here to share my knowledge so you can protect yourself.
What's ~/.ssh/ ?
The folder ~/.ssh/
is commonly the place where the SSH client and server store some (configuration) files:
- The SSH server uses the
file to check what public key is allowed to connect. - The SSH client uses
) to store the default public/private keypairs. - The SSH client uses
to remember to which hosts it has connected and what their hostkey is. - The SSH client uses
to configure connections based on hostnames, i.e. to set a different username.
What is the problem?
As most servers on the internet run a SSH server to be remotely administratable, there are certainly some web servers that do so as well.
Furthermore, there are web servers where the www-data
user has those files. For some of them, the www-data
's home directory is the DocumentRoot
, so that the ~/.ssh/
becomes accessible.
This becomes an issue when the www-data
account was used to run SSH to:
It's 2020 and most admins and developers already know that password based logins are bad and thus have changed to public key cryptography. However, that means that you need a private/public keypair on the web server if you want to connect somewhere.
Exposed ~/.ssh/ files
Let's explore the different files and what information they leak to an attacker. As the files reside in the www-data
's home directory, the attacker only needs to send a few requests to check if the files exist:
GET /.ssh/id_rsa GET /.ssh/authorized_keys GET /.ssh/known_hosts GET /.ssh/config
id_* private keys
The crown jewels are the private keys. SSH handles different key types and thus there are a few file names that need to be checked:
id_rsa id_dsa id_ecdsa id_ed25519
To check if the obtained file is a valid key, one can check for the -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
strings in it. That's easy.
At this point the adminstrators need to rely on the 2nd line of defense: Password protection. When generating a keypair, ssh-keygen
asks you for a passphrase. From the data I've gathered, not more than 45% of the keys had a passphrase set. In that case, the attacker must resort to brute force to crack get an usable private. Although offline brute-force attacks against short passwords are getting more and more efficient and cost-effective. Leaked keys should be considered compromised and replaced even if they were password protected. It's just a matter of time until it's cracked.
That means an attacker has a 50/50 chance to find a keypair without a passphrase. Here's an easy way to verify if a password is set or not:
The following key has no password, so ssh-keygen
shows the public part:
[gehaxelt@LagTop tmp]$ echo "nopw" | ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/testkey_nopw; echo $? ssh-rsa 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 gehaxelt@LagTop 0
If the key is password protected, then this operation (rightfully) fails:
[gehaxelt@LagTop tmp]$ echo "nopw" | ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/testkey_pw; echo $? Load key "/tmp/testkey_pw": incorrect passphrase supplied to decrypt private key 255
At this stage the attacker has done the hardest part of the exploit chain and successfully obtained a valid SSH keypair.
However, the attacker still does not know if the obtained key will allow her to connect to the server. Luckily there is a file for that: The authorized_keys
contains all public portions of private keys that are allowed to connect the user to the specific server.
The format is pretty simple and super easy to verify if the downloaded /.ssh/authorized_keys
file is valid or not:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6MyNlJORnZ4txf3HuVRDTkRGAJ/KkWDOvDSFHja3mUX0KP+4b8qUDIRSAZ/MMxClbRxZ/raa4vxBWbUa2GHdyHGC6u/iOqJkpKaFihrsujS1gmIcypuPTFEQN6DY2Gf3cQqKmUUATuOkqTBaICzvQQJX7b3bbil/dPfuxbFb8xHp5mZ0EsMt/N7onXLaoWM8nRr9IfvviP+tqXjzYRJ2Ys6XDF4qL9V1W+64HPfb3fnCXID1iMVk4RR8A9Sb9VPKA1f/k5Y10CPB16+ZvU0gXcUA8oKXJedcIXPyFhgsqEEbi7QFg4oDLdAzpQnFEAtUcfparO3GFfO2LB/lLWclX travel@travel-pc
Most entries in that file begin with ssh-rsa
, ssh-dss
, ssh-ed25519
, ssh-ecdsa
. Assuming that most SSH keys have a sufficient amount of bits (usually 4096), trying to factor the public keys might not be the best idea.
However, the attacker will get an overview of how many (different) keys (and developers/admins) have access to the server and she could use the obtained information to conduct targeted attacks against specific developers with the goal to steal their matching private key.
In some cases the attacker will be lucky enough to find the obtained private key's public key in the list of authorized keys.
Now she only needs to guess the right username, which usually is any of those:
In some cases the~/.ssh/config
might provide some usernames or hints.
If the attacker succeeds, she'll have full-fledged SSH access to the web server and be able to run any command. I've seen at least 15 hosts where this was possible, but I won't name any companies here. It's literally GAME OVER and all other (web) security is defeated.
But it gets even more interesting if the ~/.ssh/known_hosts
file is exposed, too. If that file exists, it means that the private key on the server was used to connect to other systems.
Depending on the host names or IP addresses in that file, the attacker could use this information and the private key to compromise further systems. For example, she might be able to connect to github/gitlab/etc. or staging, debugging, database systems, etc.
Unfortunately for the attacker, the entries in the known_hosts
file can be hashed if HashKnownHosts yes
is set. It then might look similar to this and can be best identified by:
ssh-rsa ssh-dss ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ssh-ed25519
raspberrypi.local ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBL7M2qw8pKPjyT0Pq1Mbq/wDsVfjpU846u0n5Pqmub2E96VKvLu8LUJz8dhqZi7bLzlCVgkDNkPmY30mZU3+oR0= |1|Nbo4zQcI82GnFf/IgsQtQB3MZDQ=|eabVTCOPm51+nF+OvoTJF/qkU4A= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvJ3c8N+oIKcoFty8MboBB2oKjfpTyfa7xb6mXntYUjiisJ+tyGqOhU7bn5EkW412lg6Fze6JnW2UvEXq2YlmqOXDSzS7QqsJS1/syhytiYI+q0uPbECj3qPXE3QLuBoYI7rzDahiYi3dwlLVNu9n74uBI+ykCFi97/hVdslgDVb1CCR+6SMXhqwnUh5LC+ULorkFiFtzTiniKw6X8PIjwkaViCdmaHJRLKQwskhnDfUzrzb7rEwqx977KZetXE44oc7jHNlSRKhQQgOGpQn7mYa+OQMpnU432iFb63Mb85hrBj0npIfOP6zkJvjoUcANSpmzt/38yvy/G5xAEAEPXQ==
In the latter case the hostname is hashed and cannot directly be read by the attacker. The raspberrypi.local
might not be an interesting target, because the IP address isn't known, but the attacker could use the previously compromised web server as a jump host. But it is better for the attacker to find systems with publicly routable IP addresses which she can reach from her system using the compromised private key.
However, the hashing algorithm is only HMAC-SHA1
and modern graphic cards are quite fast at brute forcing such hashes:
As most IP addresses are IPv4 whose format is pretty simple [0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3}
, the key space for a brute force attack is not too big (around 2^32), but still enough to slow down an attacker quite a bit as each known_hosts
entry has its unique salt. I assumed that I was not the first one to come with the idea of cracking those known_hosts
entries, so I google and found a promising github repo .
Using the mask attack provided by the repository, I was able to crack shy of 50% of the entries:
That's quite good chances to find other systems that are hackable by the attacker.
The SSH client's configuration file usually contains information such as:
- Hostnames
- Aliases
- Usernames
- Ports
So if that file is exposed, it gives the attacker more information to compromise other systems - similar to the known_hosts
The file is stored in ~/.ssh/config
and can be matched against the above mentioned keywords.
RCE Exploit chain
So as we have seen above, having a few files from ~/.ssh/
exposed might leave your system open to simply RCE attacks. It is practically game over if you have your SSH private key files exposed on the server and not protected with a password. If you leave some more files such as the known_hosts
or authorized_keys
accessible, then your whole network might be compromised.
This exploit chain is easily automatable, so you should expect that attackers are already (or will in the future) scanning for those files and trying to chain the results.
Fixing the issue
To fix the issue, you should not put those files on the web server in the first place!
Make sure that those .ssh/
files are not within the DocumentRoot
Add special rules in your web server's configuration to block access to /.ssh/
Monitor your logs for GET requests to /.ssh/
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Pwning your (web)server and network the easy way - or why exposing ~/.ssh/ is a bad idea》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
汪文君 / 机械工业出版社 / 2018-6 / 89.00元
本书共分为四个部分:部分详细地介绍了Java多线程的基本用法和各个API的使用,并且着重介绍了线程与Java虚拟机内存之间的关系。第二部分由线程上下文类加载器方法引入,介绍为什么在线程中要有上下文类加载器的方法函数,从而掌握类在JVM的加载和初始化的整个过程。第三部分主要围绕着volatile关键字展开,在该部分中我们将会了解到现代CPU的架构以及Java的内存模型(JMM)。后一部分,主要站在架......一起来看看 《Java高并发编程详解》 这本书的介绍吧!