Thanks to the support of theLifespan Heroes and as part of our commitment to bringing you the latest news in longevity research, we have created the rejuvenation roadmap .
This curated database aims to compile the most promising therapies and technologies in development and chart their progress in one easy to read format. We have divided the projects into their corresponding aging hallmarks for ease of reference and clicking on each icon will take you to some more detailed information about each project. The database will be updated on a regular basis ensuring you have the most up to date overview of the rejuvenation biotechnology field.
For more information on the clinical trial process check out our article here which explains what the phases mean.
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PHP 6与MySQL 5基础教程
(美)厄尔曼 / 陈宗斌 等 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2008-11-1 / 65.00元
本书是一部经典的入门级著作,采用基于任务的方法来讲授PHP和MySQL,使用大量图片指导读者深入学习语言,并向读者展示了如何构造动态Web站点。书中用简洁、直观的步骤和讲解提供了学习任务和概念的最快方式。通过学习本书,读者可以快速、高效地掌握PHP和MySQL,成为一位构建Web站点的高手。 本书适合初中级Web应用开发和设计人员阅读。 本书是讲述PHP和MySQL技术的畅销书,以深入......一起来看看 《PHP 6与MySQL 5基础教程》 这本书的介绍吧!